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Whence we see spiders, flies, or ants entombed and preserved forever in amber, a more than royal tomb.
Aiden Barret
Aiden Barret

Aiden Barret is a member of team CLAN

Personal data
Title "Amber"
Gender Male
Emblem Aiden emblem
Species Human
Morality Good
Living status Alive
Production notes
Created by TAU300

Aiden Barret, aka "Amber", is a member of Team CLAN. His weapon of choice is a Trick Shot Meteor Hammer (TSMH) called "Summer Stream". He is in his first year at Beacon academy, training to become a huntsman.

Physical description

Aiden has light brown hair and blue eyes. His main attire generally consists of brown jeans, brown jacket with a lighter trimming around the edge and a shoulder pad. He is commonly seen holding Summer Stream with him.


Aiden is very knowledgeable and smart, having spent most of his life as an archaeologist and also maintains a friendly attitude towards others. Despite this, he likes to keep to himself when not out on missions and prefers to study whatever artifacts he finds out on missions. Aiden also has a habit of flickering his father's former lighter on and off at random.



  • Unnamed mother and father


Love Interest


Being a part of team CHAD, Aiden has been trained to his physical peak, he is also capable of manipulating fire when wielding Summer stream


  • Fire manipulation: When in contact with Summer stream, Aiden is capable of manipulating fire in a variety of ways.
    • Fire infusion: Aiden is capable of infusing Summer stream with fire based attacks
    • Fire ball projection: Aiden is capable of projecting small fireballs.
    • Heat generation: Aiden is capable of generating small amounts of heat.
    • Fire bullets: Aiden is capable of firing off smaller but faster rounds of fire.
    • Fireproof skin: Aiden is immune to fire.
    • Flame propulsion: Aiden is capable of using flames to propel himself or Summer Stream in various directions.
  • Enhanced intellect: Aiden retains a high level of intellect, having a vast understanding of ancient civilizations and various cultures.
  • Semblance: Unknown
  • Aura: Aiden is able to use aura, the manifestation of his soul, for various purposes in battle. His aura grants him increased speed and strength and uses it more offensively.
  • Enhanced speed


  • Meteor hammer proficiency: Aiden is highly adept at wielding his meteor hammer as well as using it's various built-in traps and tricks to his advantage.
  • Archaeology: Aiden is a budding archaeologist with a vast knowledge of past civilizations and history as well as archaeological dig-site procedures.